
Social Recognition


Social Recognition

Social Recognition

Prize Voucher remains at the forefront of employee incentive programmes by constantly evolving to include new platforms and approaches to recognise and reward staff. One such platform is an internal programme that is run through the campaign website which allows you to maximise the interaction with participants of the campaign. It is essentially a private internally run ‘Facebook-type-social-platform’ purely focused on the incentive programme and the company. The social platform allows participants to be recognised for outstanding behaviour, discuss work and campaign related material and share photos and comments regarding their rewards and the entire experience of being rewarded and recognised. These actions encourage their colleagues to strive harder to receive the same treatment and incentives.

The advantages and details are as follows:

  • Recognise your employees in a new and exciting way by using internal social media as the foundational tool in your recognition strategy.

  • Internal social media recognition uses social media type tools to engage and recognises your employees in real time and is exclusive to your company.

  • To positively affect behaviour and values, employees need consistent feedback and acknowledgment from line managers and peers, which the platform enables and encourages. 

  • Recognition strategies often only focus on service anniversaries or sales rewards but social media’s real-time interaction can empower managers and peers to recognise everyday successes that often go unnoticed.

  • Offer peer to peer recognition to your employees by allowing them to acknowledge anyone in the organisation complying with your company’s culture and values therefore creating a true culture of recognition. Peer to peer recognition encourages employees to lookout for peer behaviours as well as re-evaluate their own behaviour. 

  • The platform is user friendly and is a close-loop website accessible in all departments and available to all employees in your organisation.

  • The platform promotes recognition of certain behaviours and achievements. The platform allows peers to see who has been recognised and for what. 

  • Empower employees to add their personal congratulations to the social feed and strengthen the impact of the moment of recognition.

  • Recognition through social media helps executives reach their employees and vice versa.

  • The social media based recognition program can also be integrated to link with peer to peer nominations or managers can award points to their employees. Points can be redeemed for a variety of different rewards such as gift cards, experiences, gadgets, electronics, weekends away and much more. Organisations can also include their own prizes by offering days off, lunch vouchers, and anything else that they desire. 


Advanced user profile: Prize Voucher Social is easy to customise and gather relevant data from your employees. From the common profile such as high school and city, to collecting data more relevant to your incentive campaign, such as department and position. Advanced members searching features allows individuals to find each other more easily.

Photos: The photos functionality is easy and fun to use. Photos can be uploaded in a single action or just drag and drop them to the upload screen to automatically be uploaded.  Each album is neatly displayed, coupled with interactive features such as comment and like system, and photo tagging. This feature is great for sharing thank you notes and motivational quotes to colleagues. Line managers can also increase participation and recognition by photographing the employees who receive points and posting it on the site.

Videos: The video capability ranges from embedding videos to hosting your own. We provide everything that you need to create that wow factor. This feature is ideal for loading training and informative videos.

Events: Manage your events with ease, and engage community members. Set an event anywhere in the world and it'll display in Google maps. Set your events with Prize Voucher Social so that your members are more engaged with each other. Nothing beats meeting your colleagues face to face and having fun while doing it!

Groups: Sometimes it's more engaging to communicate in smaller departments or teams. Prize Voucher Social Group allows your community to interact at a more personal level. Every group will have its own photos, videos and event sections. Plus, there is a discussion board and file sharing feature for your departments or teams. This feature is ideal to build a stronger department and team, allowing individuals to encourage their colleagues and share information to help build their department or team.

Facebook Integration: Connect your community site with Facebook to get additional features. With Facebook Connect, community members may login using their Facebook account, share status updates and publish activities to Facebook.Employee engagement is the synchronisation of the company’s staff members with the combined company objectives. It is important not to confuse engagement with satisfaction. Employees can still be satisfied without fully understanding and embracing the core competency of the company, thus affecting your success. Employee engagement is indicated by the employee’s commitment, what they do in their quieter times and ultimately the amount of effort they exert on productive undertakings. 

Tags: Employee Rewards, Social Recognition Programme, Reward and Recognition , Staff Incentive

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