
Five Languages of Appreciation


Five Languages of Appreciation

Just like marriages, work relationships take effort to make them last, and everyone knows that people are different, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to showing others that you care. There are people who may give away the gift you gave them, or will not show up for the lunch you so carefully planned. Don’t take offense, this means they receive appreciation differently. For example, one worker may feel the most appreciated when receiving a private note of encouragement, while another may be more encouraged by a public word of affirmation. Gary Chapman and Paul White wrote a book called Five Languages of Appreciation in the workplace based on the original Five Love Languages. It has certainly come in handy and helped many companies.

Here’s an overview of the five ways that people feel loved—and how you can translate and use them to your advantage in the workplace.

1.    Quality Time

For some people, there’s nothing better than good, quality face time. For these types of employees, sending an email every couple weeks won’t work. Scheduling a meeting once a week or Skyping makes them feel more appreciated.

2.    Receiving Gifts

The same way an unexpected bouquet of flowers from a husband will bring a smile to his wife’s face; there are times when you might need to "woo" your employees with a gift. Weare not suggesting bribery, or anything else that would go against your company policy, gifts in the workplace can also come in the form of information, for example sending your employee a relevant article or bringing cupcakes to the office.

3.    Words of Affirmation

Couples exchange encouraging words, and work relationships will benefit from them too. Who doesn’t feel better, happier, or more productive when they’re told they’re doing a good job? Sending an employee a quick email when they have done an exemplary job on a project will speak volumes about how much you appreciate their work.

4.    Acts of Service

For some people, there’s nothing better than when their significant other goes out of their way to do the dishes, take out the trash, or cook dinner. Similarly, for some of your employees, nothing will impress them more than a little extra service. If you see an employee is having a particularly hectic week and they haven't left their desk, offering to bring them a cup of coffee will make them feel appreciated.

5.    Physical Touch

In relationships, some people love being physical for example hugging and other physical contact. How can you do this, without bordering Sexual Harassment?  A high five, handshake, or a pat on the back goes a long way to some (not all) employees.

Using these techniques for employees may help management communicate their appreciation and encouragement. Which in turn may result in higher levels of job satisfaction, healthier relationships between staff, decreased cases of burnout, and a more positive and productive work environment.

The key is finding out which type of appreciation technique makes your employees feel most valued. It is important to pay attention to how your employees treat you; they will often give love in the same way they want to receive it.

As a company, we at Prize Voucher Agency understand that our employees and clients are unique. This is why we do not have a "blanket" approach. We can assist you in, not only increasing your staff retention, but also ensuring that all your staff acquires MBA’s - Motivated By Appreciation.

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