
What are in-store promotions and are there different ways to run them?


What are in-store promotions and are there different ways to run them?

By definition; an in-store promotion is a marketing tool or strategy that is meant to drive traffic into stores and promote the purchase of specific items that are part of the promotion. The idea is to generate additional revenue due to the extra sales of the products involved, or even to induce a brand switch when offered by the brand manufacturer.

wisegeek.com states that in-store promotions, whilst used for varying reasons, are mostly used by brand manufacturers to create brand awareness, have the added advantage of building brand equity in-store and can be utilised to entice people to buy the product itself or to buy into the brand. Signs, banners, coupons, TV screens and other in-store brand mediums are often displayed in an attempt to draw attention to the brand message and induce preference for the brand.

There are different tactics that can be used to entice consumers to buy into a brand whilst also promoting the product. In-store promotions are not only a great way of building brand preference but are also effective in getting your brand message across.When stores and manufactures work together to manage the message, results often demonstrate an increase in sales.

Prize Voucher Agency boasts many a relationship with large advertising agencies throughout the country, due to our ability to completely manage the promotional aspect of any campaign while the agencies do what they do best – focus on the strategy and design. By working together we are able to form a specialist team that delivers only the best in our respective fields.
Contact us today for effective and complete management of your in-store competition at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tags: Customer Rewards, Prize Fulfilment Solutions, Prize sourcing, Custom prize packages, Prize suggestions

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